Marketing Growth for Tea Online
Marketing Growth for Tea Online
Since we started working with Tea Squared the learning curve has been steep… Pun intended, a little.
- Black tea, by the way, shouldn’t be steeped for as long as you’re probably steeping it. That’s why it tastes bitter. Check out the Tea Squared brewing guide here!
Learning is a huge part of our job, and it’s probably what keeps us interested, a little OCD mixed with ADD I guess. It also keeps us good at our jobs. When we get excited about something new, it’s easier to get you excited about something new, which is ultimately our job.
- Did you know… there is absolutely no such thing as ‘Orange Pekoe tea’ (pronounced “Peck – O” btw), well there is of course, what we consider to be Orange Pekoe (yes it exists), but the fact is the term ‘Orange Pekoe’ is a classification of tea leaves, that can be applied to many different types of tea. In fact there is a whole grading system for tea leaves, which we won’t go into detail but you can learn about here
That’s why we work with the clients we do, overall it makes our job easier when we love what we’re working on. It’s fun to get passionate about seemingly random things, variety makes life interesting and the contrasts of a project make the challenge that much more rewarding in the end.
- Entire wars have been fought over tea most notably the Opium Wars in the mid-19th century; and to a lesser but notable role in the American Revolution.
Whenever we approach a new client we incorporate them into our lives. Don’t get me wrong, we still drink our share of coffee, but I can speak for all of us here, that there is definitely a rise in tea consumption day-to-day. We experiment with new blends when we get them in, we try different teas and we probably all have favorites. Uncle Grey, thank you.