Video Production
Targeted Digital Advertising
Inviation Design

In April 2017, celebrated their 5 year anniversary at Toronto’s Brassaii. The Toronto Creatives team helped them prepare for the event with digital promotion fuelled by original content and a stylish interpretation of the brand suited for…well, the Best of Toronto.

Toronto Creatives took over the Best of Toronto social media channels in the weeks leading up to the event. Our strategy was simple: with an arsenal of amazing event photos collected by the Best of Toronto blog over the years, we started by just re-sharing! 

With a schedule of posts reminding the fans what kind of parties the Best of Toronto team frequents. We then designed and released the public (after 11pm) invitation to the Best of Toronto 5 Year Anniversary After Party at Brassaii on King St. West, a notable and beautiful Toronto venue in it’s own right. The rest was left up to the imaginations behind the 60,000 impressions and 5k site visits and over 500 email signups.