Design and Print for Savills Retail
Large Format Design
When it comes to marketing Savills Retail knows it can’t all take place from behind a potential client’s screen. While it may not seem like it people really do live most of their lives in this thing we call the real world. A typical downtown intersection along Queen Street West can see foot traffic upwards of 10,000 people per day alone. When Savills Retail gets a new listing one of the first things they consider is how to market the retail frontage.

Toronto Creatives has been designing and producing signage for the Savills Retail team in Toronto, Canada for a number of years now and have covered windows and walls in customized materials in all shapes and sizes.

Large scale outdoor advertising is particularly effective for marketing commercial real estate properties because of the nature of the product itself. The product when selling real estate – above all else – is the location itself. The Savills team knows at some point their potential client will be on-site to see the location and the potential for the property itself.

Prominent signage is a great way to get your brand noticed in real world scenarios, scenarios that might be particularly relevant to your product or your customer. Toronto Creatives designs and produces temporary and permanent large scale signage for indoor and outdoor installations. Get in touch today for a free consultation.