Holland Bloorview

Video Production

For many parents and teachers alike knowing what to do after a child suffers a concussion isn’t always clear. Like many roles in society, Teachers are looked upon to know and manage much more than they are initially trained for – this is why they are so important. That said, Holland Bloorview Children’s Hospital knows everyone needs support when helping a child recover from a concussion. 

SCHOOLFirst is a resource for educators, parents, and school boards alike, created by medical professionals dedicated to building and maintaining the support system needed for a child to reintegrate back into school successfully after suffering a concussion.

This is an excellent example of an in-studio, two-camera interview filmed by Toronto Creatives. 

Holland Bloorview Children’s Hospital needed a way to communicate the importance and value of the SCHOOLFirst program to school boards and educators nationwide. With a comprehensive brand identity and web platform already in place, Toronto Creatives was asked to produce a series of videos, featuring educators speaking to the benefits of the SCHOOLFirst program. 

As there are several specific roles the SCHOOLFirst program speaks to on concussion recovery education, with different messaging and value propositions for each, Toronto Creatives produced specialty videos – one per role – as well as a generalized promotional video for the SCHOOLFirst program.

Toronto Creatives took great care in selecting a shooting location for the interviews, as we wanted to keep the SCHOOLFirst branding strong throughout the pieces. As the SCHOOLFirst brand design relies heavily on the image of a classic chalkboard as a backdrop, we wanted to bring that feel through to the interviews. However classic blackboards are hard to come by these days. Thankfully we found a local studio with the perfect accent wall to mimic a black-board – with a little help from the Art Dept team, we had a perfect background.

Interviews were conducted over a single day, and the SCHOOLFirst product advocates were treated to a light lunch, refreshments, and smooth shooting experience.

Bilingualism was also extremely important to this project as the Holland Bloorview Children’s Hospital is required to communicate in both English and French, as per Canadian law. No problem. Toronto Creatives had our translation team on-site for the shoot and involved in the post-production process every step of the way to ensure accurate French translations via Closed Captioning throughout.

Full written transcriptions in both English and French were also produced for this project for the client’s internal files. 

For more information on video production by Toronto Creatives get in-touch here.